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Ebuilds for Razer mouse and keyboard support

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  • Funtoo Linux BDFL

Hi All,

Coming in the next regen of meta-repo are ebuilds and supporting tools for configuration of Razer (https://www.razerzone.com/) keyboards and mice. This allows you to create neat glowy and color effects, as well as do other useful things.

To configure your Razer devices, first perform the following:

	# emerge polychromatic
	# reboot

Then, you will need to add your desktop user to the plugdev group, and then start openrazer-daemon in your personal .bash-login or .xprofile:


At this point, you should be able to run polychromatic controller in your desktop environment to configure your Razer devices.


Screenshot from 2017-11-28 19-51-24.png

Screenshot from 2017-11-28 19-51-51.png

Screenshot from 2017-11-28 19-52-05.png

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