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New kit: lang-kit

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  • Funtoo Linux BDFL

Hey everyone,

I've just added a new kit called lang-kit, which is a kit for all programming languages that do not have their own kit. This includes mono, fsharp, node.js, tcl-tk, lua, go, erlang and associated categories, plus all of dev-lang that doesn't end up in its own kit. Lang-kit should be appearing within the next hour after your next ego sync. This kit was created to address a nodejs upgrade issue that is causing some issues in the tree and will allow us to lock-in node.js which is getting frequently updated by gentoo upstream.



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  • Funtoo Linux BDFL

Note that the lang-kit is based on a snapshot of Gentoo from about 4 days ago. Thus, you may see some minor downgrades of some packages if you have updated your system in the last 3-4 days. This is normal and shouldn't cause issues.

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