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screen locked - unlock




I am not sure if this is right place (portage help subforum), so please free to move/remove my topic.


Today I run an update and I missed warning about locked broken screen.

Anway, at some point screen got locked with the message suggesting to login from another terminal and enter

loginctl unlock-sessions


however this is not recognized command (by consolekit).

Thankfully I have found a solution at gennto forums:


First, we have to determine which session is X11 session. To accomplish that, run
# ck-list-sessions
in any virtual terminal (e.g. using Ctrl+Alt+F2).
One of sessions should contain x11-display property set - that session is possibly corresponding to a locked one:
x11-display = ':0'

Remember that session name ("Session1").
Now run the following command as root from the virtual terminal (below su is used to obtain root privileges)
# su -c 'dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest="org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit" /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session1 org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Session.Unlock'
Where you should replace Session1 with your session name obtained at the previous step using ck-list-sessions.
After that you should be able to switch back to the running session (Ctrl+Alt+F7).


this actually fixed problem with locked/broken screen.


Maybe funtoo advice regarding



loginctl unlock-sessions


should be removed if not working?

I don't know if any viable solution is possible but at least nobody will try to run invalid command.


Thank you

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