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Please define user commands



Hello! Funtoo installation instructions have to be edited. Here http://funtoo.org/Installit is the command that causes the error:


"This is a handy feature, since when packages are being added to the world set, we can update our entire system by typing:..."

I type but get the error:

ego --sync
Ego module --sync does not exist.

Also language translations have such lines:


?? - ????? ??????? ????, ????????? ???? ??? ????? ?????? ????????? ? ?????? world, ??? ??????? ????? ???????? ???? ?????? ????????? ???????:

 (chroot) # emerge --sync (chroot) # ##i##emerge -auDN @world 

When I used this wiki I really had troubles and only English wiki solved the probem cause it has line `ego sync` in this place of installation guide.


The same one in the spanish guide http://www.funtoo.org/Install/es

"Esto clonar? autom?ticamente el ?rbol de portage desde GitHub:
(chroot) # emerge --sync"

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