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systemrescuecd-x86-4.9.0.iso checksum discrepancy





I downloaded systemrescuecd-x86-4.9.0.iso from http://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/funtoo/distfiles/sysresccd/and http://build.funtoo.org/distfiles/sysresccd/ and both have an sha-1 checksum of 28d92f62dacfcc471a71a3efac4437354d67a5a4. However, the same file from the offical source, https://sourceforge.net/projects/systemrescuecd/files/sysresccd-x86/4.9.0/, has an sha-1 checksum of 9356a512bf303256bcceb65d837542f4a90887e9, which matches what is listed on http://www.system-rescue-cd.org/Download. Why are the checksums for the isos from the funtoo download sites not the same as the official source's?


Thanks in advance


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i can confirm this. iso file tht is on funtoo mirros is from app-admin/systemrescuecd-x86, which is merged and copied from /usr/share/systemrescuecd/systemrescuecd-x86-4.9.iso.

this ebuild doing some magic with isohybrid, which might change checksums. i'll replace with official image. reported here:


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