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The official Funtoo Newsletter!

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Funtoo Newsletter, Summer 2023

Funtoo Newsletter, June-August (Summer) 2023 Welcome to the current installment of the Funtoo Newsletter. This newsletter combines multiple months -- June through all of August -- so, essentially our summer newsletter, for those of you in the northern hemisphere. We're going to hit all the key technical changes in this newsletter: Funtoo Linux 1.4 Deprecation (re-announce) The End of Genkernel -- Welcome "Funtoo Ramdisk" Massive updates from Summer Harvest (harves


drobbins in Monthly Newsletter

Funtoo Newsletter, March 2023

Better Late Than Never! Our third newsletter is a bit late -- but has an in-depth article on some as-yet-unexplained aspects of Funtoo related to metatools and our CDN. Definitely worth a read! Each newsletter, we are going to try to feature an in-depth article combined with key Funtoo news for the month.  Linux Kernel 6.1.20_p1 is Now Available The sys-kernel/debian-sources-6.1.20_p1 has been unmasked on the meta-repo tree and is available for regular upgrade for everybody.


drobbins in Monthly Newsletter

Funtoo Newsletter, January 2023

Funtoo Newsletter, January 2023 A lot goes on in the Funtoo Community in a month.  Here are some highlights of what happened along the month of January 2023. And the first thing we have to announce this month is the start of this monthly newsletter itself! Funtoo Newsletter The lack of consistent and effective communication over time have led even active contributors to remain oblivious for months of certain developments have been put forth by other members. This can make things c


drobbins in Monthly Newsletter

Funtoo Newsletter, February 2023

Our Second Newsletter! Welcome to our second official Funtoo Linux newsletter, covering the time period of February 2023! It’s exciting for us to get into a rhythm with newsletter releases.  We have a much meatier newsletter this month, with recent technical updates, great news about Oleg aka angry_vincent, a profile of Kery, a new user – and his install challenges, and some really useful and detailed info about our bug tracker and how to use it well. Let’s start by covering the latest
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