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Installing Jubler subtitle editor





Build process has stuck on dev-java/ant-contrib-1.0_beta3-r1 package.

>>> Emerging (24 of 25) dev-java/ant-contrib-1.0_beta3-r1::gentoo

 * ant-contrib-1.0b3-src.tar.bz2 SHA256 SHA512 WHIRLPOOL size ;-) ...                          [ ok ]

!!! ERROR: The javac executable was not found in the Java path

 * Using: oracle-jre-bin-1.8

>>> Unpacking source...

>>> Unpacking ant-contrib-1.0b3-src.tar.bz2 to /tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-contrib-1.0_beta3-r1/work

>>> Source unpacked in /tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-contrib-1.0_beta3-r1/work

>>> Preparing source in /tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-contrib-1.0_beta3-r1/work/ant-contrib ...

 * Applying tests-visibility.patch ...                                                         [ ok ]











>>> Source prepared.

>>> Configuring source in /tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-contrib-1.0_beta3-r1/work/ant-contrib ...

Rewriting attributes

Rewriting ./build.xml

>>> Source configured.

>>> Compiling source in /tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-contrib-1.0_beta3-r1/work/ant-contrib ...

 * Using following ANT_TASKS: ant-ivy

 * java-pkg_ensure-dep: The ebuild is attempting to use ant-core, which is not declared with a SLOT in [RP]DEPEND and --build-only wasn't given.

Warning: Unable to determine tools.jar location.

  If build fails because sun.* classes could not be found,

  Make sure you are using a JDK, not JRE as your user/system VM.

  and that you have java-config version 2.0.30 or above installed.

Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find it in /opt/oracle-jre-bin-

Buildfile: /tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-contrib-1.0_beta3-r1/work/ant-contrib/build.xml



[ns0:configure] Loading jar:file:/usr/share/ant-ivy/lib/ivy.jar!/fr/jayasoft/ivy/ivy.properties

[ns0:configure] :: Ivy local-20160116234353 - 20160116234353 :: http://ivy.jayasoft.org/ ::

[ns0:configure] :: configuring :: file = /tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-contrib-1.0_beta3-r1/work/ant-contrib/ivy-conf.xml




    [mkdir] Created dir: /tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-contrib-1.0_beta3-r1/work/ant-contrib/target/classes


/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-contrib-1.0_beta3-r1/work/ant-contrib/build.xml:52: Unable to find a javac compiler;

com.sun.tools.javac.Main is not on the classpath.

Perhaps JAVA_HOME does not point to the JDK.

It is currently set to "/opt/oracle-jre-bin-"

Total time: 0 seconds

 * ERROR: dev-java/ant-contrib-1.0_beta3-r1::gentoo failed (compile phase):

 *   eant failed


 * Call stack:

 *     ebuild.sh, line   93:  Called src_compile

 *   environment, line 3941:  Called java-pkg-2_src_compile

 *   environment, line 1815:  Called eant 'jar' '-f' 'build.xml' '-Dversion=1.0_beta3' '-Ddep.available=true'

 *   environment, line  590:  Called die

 * The specific snippet of code:

 *       ant ${antflags} "${@}" || die "eant failed"


 * If you need support, post the output of `emerge --info '=dev-java/ant-contrib-1.0_beta3-r1::gentoo'`,

 * the complete build log and the output of `emerge -pqv '=dev-java/ant-contrib-1.0_beta3-r1::gentoo'`.

!!! When you file a bug report, please include the following information:

GENTOO_VM=oracle-jre-bin-1.8  CLASSPATH="" JAVA_HOME="/opt/oracle-jre-bin-"

JAVACFLAGS="-source 1.4 -target 1.4" COMPILER="javac"

and of course, the output of emerge --info =ant-contrib-1.0_beta3

 * The complete build log is located at '/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-contrib-1.0_beta3-r1/temp/build.log'.

 * The ebuild environment file is located at '/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-contrib-1.0_beta3-r1/temp/environment'.

 * Working directory: '/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-contrib-1.0_beta3-r1/work/ant-contrib'

 * S: '/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-contrib-1.0_beta3-r1/work/ant-contrib'

>>> Failed to emerge dev-java/ant-contrib-1.0_beta3-r1, Log file:

>>>  '/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-contrib-1.0_beta3-r1/temp/build.log'

 * Messages for package dev-java/ant-nodeps-1.9.2:

 * Upstream has removed ant-nodeps.jar as of 1.8.2 and moved the classes to ant.jar

 * This package thus installs an empty jar for compatibility

 * and will be removed once reverse dependencies are transitioned.

 * Messages for package dev-java/ant-contrib-1.0_beta3-r1:

 * ERROR: dev-java/ant-contrib-1.0_beta3-r1::gentoo failed (compile phase):

 *   eant failed


 * Call stack:

 *     ebuild.sh, line   93:  Called src_compile

 *   environment, line 3941:  Called java-pkg-2_src_compile

 *   environment, line 1815:  Called eant 'jar' '-f' 'build.xml' '-Dversion=1.0_beta3' '-Ddep.available=true'

 *   environment, line  590:  Called die

 * The specific snippet of code:

 *       ant ${antflags} "${@}" || die "eant failed"


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