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Two problems Llvm and NetworkManager



So 2 problems, llvm one is potentially dangerous while nm one is annoying. Latest llvm (sys-devel/llvm-3.7.0-r2) wont compile, it just hangs during compilation and entire system freezes I let it for 3 hours today but nothing, no errors just freeze(had to do force restart). For reference last compile took 1h 17min on my system.

Second problem with networkmanager is not related to portage but I didn't want to make 2 threads at same time. Ever since last update(1.0.6-r1) if i disconnect from wifi or mobile broadband (or if i stop nm service) X crashes, i can start it again but cant start urxvt/xterm while firefox and pcmanfm starts fine... I have no idea how to approach solving these. Help!

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So 2 problems, llvm one is potentially dangerous while nm one is annoying. Latest llvm (sys-devel/llvm-3.7.0-r2) wont compile, it just hangs during compilation and entire system freezes I let it for 3 hours today but nothing, no errors just freeze(had to do force restart). For reference last compile took 1h 17min on my system.

Second problem with networkmanager is not related to portage but I didn't want to make 2 threads at same time. Ever since last update(1.0.6-r1) if i disconnect from wifi or mobile broadband (or if i stop nm service) X crashes, i can start it again but cant start urxvt/xterm while firefox and pcmanfm starts fine... I have no idea how to approach solving these. Help!

emerge update llvm and openrc and you'll be good. The nm crash on X has to do with file unmounting in openrc and it's fixed.

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