I was born with a bad left eye and hence my right eye is EXTREMELY strained, myopic and tired after 30+ years of using and working with computers.
Before I possibly needlessly start reading through the pages for Metro, I would like to know if pursuing the associated processes would produce any sufficient benefits over installing the available Stage 3 Build for my Laptop.
Boot time is important to me and for a reference from the moment the GRUB entry was executed, for Manajaro 0.9.0 Xfce+Ob OpenRC, the Login Screen was displayed in 22 seconds which is a lot better than the variable 30+ seconds it would take for Manjaro Xfce 0.8.10 using systemd (vomit!!).
Applications I would be using would be as follows.
Internet Browser - Pale Moon Skype aMule Network Manager - USB Broadband Modems Libre Office PDF Editing - Master PDF Editor GIMP Text Editor D.E. - Xfce or Cinnamon Multimedia Audio/Video Burning Screenshot File Manager - spaceFM File Search is really good GParted Gnome Disks
Hi funtooers,
I was born with a bad left eye and hence my right eye is EXTREMELY strained, myopic and tired after 30+ years of using and working with computers.
Before I possibly needlessly start reading through the pages for Metro, I would like to know if pursuing the associated processes would produce any sufficient benefits over installing the available Stage 3 Build for my Laptop.
Boot time is important to me and for a reference from the moment the GRUB entry was executed, for Manajaro 0.9.0 Xfce+Ob OpenRC, the Login Screen was displayed in 22 seconds which is a lot better than the variable 30+ seconds it would take for Manjaro Xfce 0.8.10 using systemd (vomit!!).
Applications I would be using would be as follows.
Internet Browser - Pale Moon
Network Manager - USB Broadband Modems
Libre Office
PDF Editing - Master PDF Editor
Text Editor
D.E. - Xfce or Cinnamon
Audio/Video Burning
File Manager - spaceFM File Search is really good
Gnome Disks
inxi -F produces the following output.
Thanks, MTB.
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