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Is our portage tree far out of sync with Gentoo?



Over in our upstream, the Gentoo portage tree, kde-frameworks ebuilds were updated to the 5.14 release.  I think that update occurred 18 days ago.  We still haven't pulled those updates into our Funtoo portage tree.  I don't know if this is a normal delay pending some review by our own team (thank you all!) or if there is some particular problem.  Maybe syncing is problematic right now as Gentoo switches to git? 


How much delay is normal between updates to Gentoo portage and syncing them into Funtoo portage?


I appreciate help understanding the process --- the delay is problematic for me right now because I use the Gentoo KDE Overlay.  When that overlay moves packages from the overlay into the main Gentoo portage tree they "disappear" from my Funtoo system and suddenly my system is in an inconsistent state and can't be updated.



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