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Differences between Funtoo and Gentoo repositories

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I just switched to funtoo, and I'm curious about the repository differences. What I've heard is that the funtoo repository is similar to the gentoo testing repository, but it uses more stable internals. How bleeding edge is the funtoo repository compared to gentoo testing? What counts as an internal package, is it any command-line utility, or system-vital packages? And finally, how up to date are the internal packages when compared to, say, gentoo stable?

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I just switched to funtoo, and I'm curious about the repository differences. What I've heard is that the funtoo repository is similar to the gentoo testing repository, but it uses more stable internals. How bleeding edge is the funtoo repository compared to gentoo testing? What counts as an internal package, is it any command-line utility, or system-vital packages? And finally, how up to date are the internal packages when compared to, say, gentoo stable?

Some of these questions should have been answered by the installation process(ego? epro? the boot configuration?), in gentoo's terms is ~arch with a different profile system, some overlays merged with the portage tree, also OpenRC is not the same as gentoo, the git sync system was another difference but gentoo has now sync  of the portage tree via git also, and it seems the full move to git(from cvs) will happen next month.


Check the wiki there's a list of the forked packages from gentoo, if you want to get the details check the funtoo-overlay and the script used to merge the gentoo tree and the overlays.

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