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desktop reinstall today



already wiped out /dev/sda1...  it had a bad sata cable that was throwing tons of dmesg errors and making the system freeze up.  cable was replaced with a cable with clip and its been running good since.


problem 1 with install again resolv.conf ubuntu uses for resolv.conf... check mark fixed


problem 2 with install https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Swapswap file docs need insertion  removing mtab because symlinking = old swap file nameless problem "resolved" by "swapfiles"  ill have to work this and pull request it because its too many issues/changes.


update lilo page to deal with deb sources....  check mark fixed


fix chrony page to set 1 time sync date / hardware clock, this stuff needs to be moved out of the install page-- chrony page fixed, install page needs updated on this


link fonts http://www.funtoo.org/Fonts   - add rc-update add command to fonts for console font section


epro stuff should be further up before emerging anything besides sync


link make.conf again? for video setting purposes, fix make.conf maybe make xorg.conf.d page for tweaks to xorg


first steps sudo page, beef up sudo page


fix tpm emulator, start posting entropy acceleration page.


fix alsa default card stuff.....


fix /etc/bashrc W issue


mupdf = pdf viewer, super light, no options....   add https://wiki.xfce.org/recommendedappsto xfce wiki page(s)


no cron info for install.  =(  this is quickly piling up

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