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Funtoo Quick Installation Checklist (in spanish)

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Hi everyone !!!!

I've made a Funtoo Quick Installation Checklist... I'm sorry is in spanish!!!, maybe with some unforced installation errors.... you can check here: https://www.funtoo.org/User:Vargux/Install

It's similar to: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Quick_Installation_Checklist


If anybody can say me if something is not correct, I'll change it...

This is for add more support to Funtoo installation process.


--- VA R G U X --- 

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Excellent work!

The only quick correction I would make are the broken links that points to the individual sections at the beginning.

I'm willing to make the English translation if somebody needs it, although surely it gonna need some proofreading.

P.S.: Wouldn't be wonderful a Locale Database, just like the one for Processors? I had the idea some time ago but I don't have enough  Javascript on my toolbox.

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