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Audio player with the Next version of Funtoo



Hi all,

I "upgraded" my Funtoo version to the Next version by following the recently published instructions.

Everything went fine.

I just have a small concern.

I used to have Rhythmbox installed as my audio player. With the jump of the Next version to python3.9,

it is no longer possible to install it.


emerge -av rhythmbox

just tells you that Rhythmbox is not in portage.

I understand that it is due to this python3.9 requirement (as far as I understood, Rhythmbox can be installed

with python3.7 max only). I tried then to installed many others audio player such as Exaile, Quodlibet, mpd,

Clementine etc ... and all of them have the same "issue". I finally opted for Audacious, but I am not totally

satisfied by it.

Anyway, although I think there would be a solution to installed them by changing some python target,

I would like to know if there would be soon an "update" of these audio player paquets in order for them

to install directly with python3.9.

Thanks for your answer.

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The point is Next seems not still mature enough for everyday use even as a desktop.

Rhythmbox is my fav audio player too and it works fine in my 1.4 install then as you said it is not in Next Portage.

BTW, reading the Next introduction by DRobbins and if memory serve me well, he do not recommend using it for production at this stage of the development.

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many packages, ESPECIALLY media packages were pruned as they had no Funtoo maintainer.  Many of us, myself included, use Next-release as a daily driver on desktop, but there's till plenty of room for improvement.  We've got a bug open to bring Rhythmbox back to next, we could use another tester!  If you're up to it, you can follow these instructions to add a local overlay, and include the latest ebuild attached to this bug.

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