>>> Emerging (1 of 4) media-libs/mesa-20.2.4::core-gl-kit
* Fetching files in the background.
* To view fetch progress, run in another terminal:
* tail -f /var/log/emerge-fetch.log
^CTraceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/portage/python2.7/lock-helper.py", line 29, in <module>
Exiting on signal 2
rval = main(sys.argv[1:])
File "/usr/lib/portage/python2.7/lock-helper.py", line 21, in main
lock_obj = portage.locks.lockfile(args[0], wantnewlockfile=True)
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/portage/locks.py", line 113, in lockfile
unlinkfile=unlinkfile, waiting_msg=waiting_msg, flags=flags)
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/portage/locks.py", line 249, in _lockfile_iteration
locking_method(myfd, fcntl.LOCK_EX)
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/portage/__init__.py", line 325, in __call__
rval = self._func(*args, **kwargs)
Tried to emerge "media-libs/mesa-20.2.4::core-gl-kit"
but as we can see above, is hanging when fetch preceding its installation, so I forced break by control-C.
Tried to emerge "media-libs/mesa-20.2.4::core-gl-kit"
but as we can see above, is hanging when fetch preceding its installation, so I forced break by control-C.
How to fix and solve it? Please help me out.
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