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emerge x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-430.26-r2 fails




After sometime emerging

emerge -auDN @world xorg-x11 --jobs

on container (using funtoo 1.4) x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-430.26-r2 fails with:

 * ERROR: x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-430.26-r2::core-gl-kit failed (install phase):
 *   Can not read .manifest!
 * Call stack:
 *     ebuild.sh, line   93:  Called src_install
 *   environment, line 5276:  Called nv_parse_manifest
 *   environment, line 4438:  Called die
 * The specific snippet of code:
 *       [ -r .manifest ] || die "Can not read .manifest!";

What should I do to proceed? Is this happening on container only?

Thanks in advance

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