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New Graphics Stack

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I've been booting my system using  'Create_a_boot_option_for_easy_nvidia_or_nouveau_display_driver_switching.'I've upgraded to 1.4 but have run into problems with the graphics. I've added mix-ins gfxcard-nouveau and gfxcard-nvidia. I don't understand how the automatic dispatch works but what I've found out is that after reinstalling the mix-ins separately or together, the graphics response is very poor and have occasional graphics artifacts. It appears that with either nvidia or nouveau driver, the libglx.so from the xorg-server ebuild is used. I found out that if I link in the nvidia libglx.so, the graphics problems disappear. In this case, even if I try to use the nouveau driver (from the kernel boot options) the system always boots nvidia.

Here's the questions: 1)Will the new stack support the boot display driver switching? 2) Is it correct that nvidia uses the X11 libglx.so?

I upgraded to 1.4 the hard way and recompiled using -eb @system and -ek @world. I certainly could have something hiding somewhere. I run an i7 with a NVidia GeForce GT 420 (I was using nvidia-drivers-390). Right now, the x11 graphics aren't working for me.

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