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Confirm Video Card settings - 1.4-release



1.4- release required  video card settings. I've dug into as much available information possible, short of trenching through c code, I still have a nagging doubt about the setting.

Can I get a confirmation what is below is "correct" or "acceptable"?

Video Card - [AMD/ATI] Caicos [Radeon HD 6450]
make.conf - VIDEO_CARDS="gallium-r600 swrast r600 radeon"
epro: mix-in gfxcard-older-ati

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Just to shut down "noise"...

Xorg Radeon page shows just a "radeon" driver and "amdgpu" driver for newer cards(>= "Virgin Islands" series).

From page https://www.funtoo.org/Make.conf/VIDEO_CARDS

This mix-in enables support for modern Radeon cards, including Vulkan and video acceleration where available.
Use this mix-in to enable support for older R100 and R200-series Radeon cards.
This leaves me with the impression that there is a missing mix-in and why I had to be more explicit in make.conf. System did compile without error, but it is worrisome that there may be some mis-configuration because of choices.
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So it looks like I have "conflating" issues. I have posted elsewhere about poor audio quality in VLC.

Digging into that issue produced the following message:

$ vdpauinfo
display: :0.0   screen: 0
Failed to open VDPAU backend libvdpau_r600.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Error creating VDPAU device: 1

So r600 setting for a AMD/ATI Caicos (Northern Islands card) is probably bad.

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