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/var/run/user/1000/ or gnome-keyring




fresh installed system using ' stage3-intel64-skylake-1.3-release-std-2018-11-29 ' and everything went fine - thx to Mr. Robbins ?

but, in .xsession-errors i see this:

** Message: 20:25:36.263: couldn't access control socket: /var/run/user/1000/keyring/control: No such file or directory

even though the folder exists and

none            16451444        28  16451416   1% /run/user/1000

this is new for me - why this is even created ?

maybe this also has something to do with lightdm, because when using ' lxdm ', /var/run/user ' not used by system and folder is unmountable.

howto get rid of both ?

i don't need gnome-keyring, never used it !


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