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trouble getting bootloader installed - stuck in chroot



Hi there,

i'm having severe trouble getting the bootloader installed. After issued a wrong command for installing the bootloader i'm getting:

Grub loading..
Welcome to GRUB!
Attempting to decrypt master key...
Enter passphrase for hd2,msdos2 (2eac0b65743546508bc76834698d70f8):

The passphrase i used to encrypt my lvm doesent work. And even when i try booting an win-recovery-usb-boot-media the same message appears... *confused*

Also,  according to my BIOS-settings i should be booting in bios-mode. But according to systemrescuecd-x86-5.2.2.iso booting into a black/white-menue-screen means i was booting into UEFI??

*even more confused* How can the cd boot inUEFI mode even if it is not turned on in BIOS??

I want to dual boo a win10 which was already installed on sda2 in non-UEFI-mode... i have my partitions set up like this:


loop0                     7:0    0 469,9M  1 loop  
sda                       8:0    0 238,5G  0 disk  
├─sda1                    8:1    0   500M  0 part  
├─sda2                    8:2    0 100,8G  0 part  
├─sda3                    8:3    0   470M  0 part  
└─sda4                    8:4    0 136,7G  0 part  
sdb                       8:16   0   2,7T  0 disk  
├─sdb1                    8:17   0   1,3T  0 part  
├─sdb2                    8:18   0     1M  0 part  
├─sdb3                    8:19   0   369G  0 part  
├─sdb4                    8:20   0   511M  0 part  
├─sdb5                    8:21   0 100,5G  0 part  
├─sdb6                    8:22   0 254,2G  0 part  
├─sdb7                    8:23   0 699,3G  0 part  
└─sdb8                    8:24   0    16G  0 part  
sdc                       8:32   0 223,6G  0 disk  
├─sdc1                    8:33   0  16,4G  0 part  
└─sdc2                    8:34   0 207,2G  0 part  
  └─lvm                 253:0    0 207,2G  0 crypt 
    ├─funtoovg-swap     253:1    0    16G  0 lvm   
    ├─funtoovg-lvolroot 253:2    0    60G  0 lvm   /
    └─funtoovg-lvolhome 253:3    0 131,2G  0 lvm   /home
sr0                      11:0    1 545,8M  0 rom   


but when i tryed to: boot-update i got: 

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/boot/grub/fontsunicode.pf2'

or if i tryed:  grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

 /run/lvm/lvmetad.socket: connect failed: No such file or directory
  WARNING: Failed to connect to lvmetad. Falling back to internal scanning.
Linux-Abbild gefunden: /boot/kernel-debian-sources-x86_64-4.14.12-2
initrd-Abbild gefunden: /boot/initramfs-debian-sources-x86_64-4.14.12-2
  /run/lvm/lvmetad.socket: connect failed: No such file or directory
  WARNING: Failed to connect to lvmetad. Falling back to internal scanning.
  /run/lvm/lvmetad.socket: connect failed: No such file or directory
  WARNING: Failed to connect to lvmetad. Falling back to internal scanning.
  /run/lvm/lvmetad.socket: connect failed: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
  WARNING: Failed to connect to lvmetad. Falling back to internal scanning.
Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS (16.04) auf /dev/sda4 gefunden
Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS (16.04) auf /dev/sdb3 gefunden
Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS (16.04) auf /dev/sdb5 gefunden
Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS (16.04) auf /dev/sdb7 gefunden

so i'm totally confused about which boot method i should use and still stuck in chroot (even though i still can chroot into my encrypted system) but of course am not able to boot/fix windows...

I searched the net already for too long, but confusion doesn't end... and don't know what to do any more... :( could someone help please?

Many thanks for any help in advance.

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2 answers to this question

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Hi xtops, 

I though you should use UEFI mode when using Windows... Are you really sure booting in BIOS mode? 

From the installation guide: 


Use this method if you are interested in booting using UEFI, and if your System Rescue CD initial boot menu was black and white. If it was light blue, this method will not work.

So if you are booting System Rescue CD in a B&W screen well you are using UEFI and not BIOS mode.  

Can you try first to mount your boot partition? 

## EXAMPLE change sdc1 with your boot parition
sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /boot
## Then
sudo boot-update

It should work :-)  Now if it is not working you should read the documentation again and follow UEFI (but first check in your BIOS if you are using UEFI or Legacy).

About the password, if it is not working I cannot really help for this, you should double check your keyboard layout, like maybe you were not typing in US layout of something like that. If you do not find your password back, I think you should re-install from the begining but I am  not an expert here, maybe someone else can help you with this. 

If I was you I would just forget Windows and use Funtoo, you will not regret ^^ 

Good luck and have fun ^^ 

Edited by foxoswin
added more information
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