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Outdated packages + Hardened profile (N00B)



First of all a thanks to the Funtoo team and community, I've sucefully managed to install this distro and I'm loving it.

Second, I'm new to Funtoo and I have some doubts, if someone can answer I will be grateful.

1. If I find outdated packages how can I proceed ? Report as bug in JIRA?

BTW: There are a few outdated packages that I've found for example linux-headers (was trying to install XEN) ,freeplane and apparmor and it's libs.

2. Does the hardened profile still works even without the GRSEC kernel?
3. How can I help?

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3 answers to this question

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16 minutes ago, walkerr said:

1. If I find outdated packages how can I proceed ? Report as bug in JIRA?

yes, that is the best way. but, you should also know that funtoo tries to keep the version bump race low. funtoo keeps good version of packages and backports only security updates, it a version bump makes sense from any other point than just bumping the version because we can, then it will be done. with kits there will be a 6 month release schedule


38 minutes ago, walkerr said:

2. Does the hardened profile still works even without the GRSEC kernel?

yes, it works and I am also using it, it turns on some toolchain hardening. https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Hardened/Toolchain

42 minutes ago, walkerr said:

3. How can I help?

testing, reporting stuff, if you want you can join the #funtoo-dev on freenode (irc)


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6 hours ago, palica said:

yes, that is the best way. but, you should also know that funtoo tries to keep the version bump race low. funtoo keeps good version of packages and backports only security updates, it a version bump makes sense from any other point than just bumping the version because we can, then it will be done. with kits there will be a 6 month release schedule


yes, it works and I am also using it, it turns on some toolchain hardening. https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Hardened/Toolchain

testing, reporting stuff, if you want you can join the #funtoo-dev on freenode (irc)


Last one for now, for maximum bleeding edge I should use the dev kits, right?

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well, yes. but it has lots of rough edges, so be prepared. (gnome-3.26 kit is not ready for normal use).

this is on my laptop

ego kit list
/var/git/meta-repo (updated 2 minutes ago):

  kit                  is active?      branch          stability 
  core-kit                             1.0-prime       prime          
                                       1.1-prime       deprecated     
                       active          1.2-prime       alpha          
  core-hw-kit          active          master          prime          
  security-kit                         1.0-prime       prime          
                                       1.1-prime       deprecated     
                       active          1.2-prime       alpha          
  xorg-kit                             1.17-prime      prime          
                       active          1.19-prime      prime          
  gnome-kit            active          3.20-prime      prime          
                                       3.26-prime      dev            
  kde-kit              active          5.10-prime      prime          
  media-kit                            1.0-prime       deprecated     
                                       1.1-prime       prime          
                       active          1.2-prime       dev            
  perl-kit                             5.24-prime      prime          
                       active          5.26-prime      dev            
  python-kit                           3.4-prime       prime          
                       active          3.6-prime       prime          
                                       3.6.3-prime     deprecated     
  php-kit              active          master          prime          
  java-kit                             1.1-prime       prime          
                       active          1.2-prime       dev            
  ruby-kit                             1.1-prime       prime          
                       active          1.2-prime       dev            
  haskell-kit                          1.1-prime       prime          
                       active          1.2-prime       dev            
  ml-lang-kit                          1.1-prime       prime          
                       active          1.2-prime       dev            
  lisp-scheme-kit                      1.1-prime       prime          
                       active          1.2-prime       dev            
  lang-kit                             1.1-prime       prime          
                       active          1.2-prime       dev            
  dev-kit                              1.1-prime       prime          
                       active          1.2-prime       dev            
  xfce-kit             active          4.12-prime      prime          
  desktop-kit                          1.1-prime       prime          
                       active          1.2-prime       dev            
  editors-kit          active          master          prime          
  net-kit              active          master          prime          
  text-kit             active          master          prime          
  science-kit          active          master          prime          
  games-kit            active          master          prime          
  nokit                active          master          prime


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