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Quick Funtoo Compiler Service?



I want to use Funtoo everywhere. I want to get it quickly. Even if I have poor processor. I need quick compilation service to get source code compiled with my system configurations.


F.e. I have one laptop with 1.8GHz, 4 cores and the second 800MHz, 2 cores. The second compiles too long.


How can I compile Funtoo on my first laptop for the second? Or may I have another service to do that?

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It sounds like both laptops are x86?  If so, distcc is definitely the answer for you.  I did something like this about 15 years ago to get Gentoo working better across a couple of old desktops & laptops I had.  I also used it around the same timeframe on an internship, to speed up compilation of a massive software package from a single server to 44 servers.  In that case, the original server didn't even have time to compile things itself, it was fully loaded just serving new code and linking incoming objects (at the time distcc could only parallelize compiling, not linking, not sure if this is still true).


Woah...I just realized I'm old.

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