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NetworkManager and Openvpn problem with every new install of Funtoo



I am having problem with networkmanager with Funtoo. Every install I do (following guide closely) winded up with networkmanager-applet that gives me greyed out, unclickable dialog.   I have issued a command which I don't recall and brought up a dialog that let me add new connection but openvpn or vpn isn't listed so I can't add any connection. Right now I am using different console to login as root, then make vpn connection then back to i3 with ctrl+alt+F7 but I reallly wanto gui get working. Network Manager icon is in the tray of i3status but it only gives me gryed out box, I have installed "networkmanager nm-applet networkmanager-openvpn".


Can someone help me? or Funtoo distro is borken? I don't have anything like this happen with Gentoo.



Thanks in advance,

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