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portage metadata cache empty



I recently noticed that eix wasn't returning correct results; I'm assuming this is the issue:

# eix-sync
 * Running emerge --sync
>>> Syncing repository 'gentoo' into '/usr/portage'...
/usr/bin/git pull
Already up-to-date.
=== Sync completed for gentoo
q: Updating ebuild cache in /usr/portage ... 
q: Finished 40004 entries in 0.292586 seconds
 * Copying old database to /var/cache/eix/previous.eix
 * Running eix-update
Reading Portage settings...
Building database (/var/cache/eix/portage.eix)...
[0] "gentoo" /usr/portage/ (cache: metadata-md5-or-flat)
     Reading category 166|166 (100) EMPTY!
[1] "local" /usr/local/portage (cache: parse|ebuild*#metadata-md5#metadata-flat#assign)
     Reading category 166|166 (100) Finished    
[2] "sage-on-gentoo" /var/lib/layman/sage-on-gentoo (cache: parse|ebuild*#metadata-md5#metadata-flat#assign)
     Reading category 166|166 (100) Finished           
[3] "science" /var/lib/layman/science (cache: parse|ebuild*#metadata-md5#metadata-flat#assign)
     Reading category 166|166 (100) Finished             
Applying masks...
Calculating hash tables...
Writing database file /var/cache/eix/portage.eix...
Database contains 972 packages in 166 categories
 * Calling eix-diff
 * Time statistics:
     2 seconds for syncing
     2 seconds for eix-update
     4 seconds total

i.e., the EMPTY message above. My /etc/portage/repos.conf/gentoo file is

main-repo = gentoo

location = /usr/portage
sync-type = git
sync-uri = git://github.com/funtoo/ports-2012.git
auto-sync = yes

and /etc/make.conf is almost empty:

USE="apache2 mysql int64 -bluetooth"

Is this just a temporary problem -- should I just wait for an update?

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