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forums faq



drobbins demands faqs so yer gonna get em...


embedding images results in thumbnails, they're forever hosted at funtoo untill drobbins decided to nuke the website.


to make large image postings, navigate to the tools above the post entry form and to the left of <> is an image to feed external (or internal) urls to.




in the "my media" button you can attach garbage to posts, such as your blog entries or images you've posted.... like my "punch babies" or "dead larry"



"the raven" -never more


above is a quote box to the right of <> to get past the quote box, press enter a few times....


<> is code... it pops up a window to enter code, to get past it again press enter a few times.


twitter just links a twitter link. @6three6sixes6


to the left of font is special bb code. you can enter acronyms twitters and some others. they give hover dialog, mouse over the below word to see it in action.




below the post is attachment stuff.... attach files to show up in my media for future postings.


to change forum entry titles, ie from "my funtoo's borked" to "[solved]my funtoo's borked" go to "full editor mode" instead of quick edit mode.


bam that's the faq jack


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