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Village idiot's ramblings

Entries in this blog

The tail of VirtualBox and the rc

Well, I wanted to play with VirtualBox on Funtoo again. Setup metro to create a custom stage3, added my stuff I use. All went well, chrooted into the new install, did all the normal setup stuff.   Rebooted into the new install. all was fine in the world. Adjusted my VM's to use VirtualBox, and even finally got OS X to work right virtualised.   Then the bullshit. How the fuck do you autostart vm's on boot. Went down the google rabbit hole, all the info was based on other Distros or outdat

Chris Kurlinski

Chris Kurlinski

My day Job

Not sure how many people out there are like me, but here is a project I just about to complete for a client.   I'm not in the IT industry, I'm in construction, a master plumber by trade, but do a lot of building management system integrations, and a lot of really specialty projects, like custom fire pits with iPad controls, high end pools ( we're talking 100K gal completely automated, heat pump / solar water heater for potable water, large solar systems ( looking forward to trying out the Tesl

Chris Kurlinski

Chris Kurlinski

Working towards my ideas

I'm a big fan of trying anything new, but the cardinal rule for me is this: Don't mess with the data. If you don't what to lose those irreplaceable pics of grandma, keep it on a separate drive.   This is my mantra. I love playing with my system, updating, tweaking, and exploring. But this can be dangerous to your data.   This is also the reason why I chosen to use zfs as my storage for all my data. I can get to it from just anywhere. If it's unix(-like), I can download the kernel modules

Chris Kurlinski

Chris Kurlinski

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