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forums faq

drobbins demands faqs so yer gonna get em...   embedding images results in thumbnails, they're forever hosted at funtoo untill drobbins decided to nuke the website.   to make large image postings, navigate to the tools above the post entry form and to the left of <> is an image to feed external (or internal) urls to.     in the "my media" button you can attach garbage to posts, such as your blog entries or images you've posted.... like my "punch babies" or "dead larry"    



crazy garbage dreamed up while grilling at 5:30 am

id like a torrenty style cryptographically secure protocol that supports revision control, that users could host locally cached content they've viewed from recent websites botnet style with throttle control that is geo & route metric aware to make the internet much more efficient. users could provide disk quotas and quotas per site and the crypto part would be used to distribute database contents. wiki style permissions for admins to work on the site, then propagate back to the main server



winter is coming

sorry drobbins, winters coming, and this -23 Celsius shit drives me crazy, i have alot of time to think about things.   my quest is to wake from recurring dreams, to the collective recurring dream people call reality.   ok personal philosophy... im a pantheist, meaning i see nature as god, and science as the quest to know god. i am a very small part of nature therefore i am small part of god. my parents are my creator, and they are of nature. im observing what's right in front of me.....



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