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Mobile Detection on Tengine / Nginx

If you use a content management system for your site, it probably already deals with mobile systems. But, what if you have parts of your site that aren't in a CMS, or you do your site by hand?   Well, it would be nice to either redirect from www.example.com to m.example.com, or (my preference), to redirect to a subdirectory. I like the subdirectory approach because I can easily share content with the main site via symlinks (such as the content management system). Normally, this isn't a nice th



Adding SSL to Tengine / Nginx

OK, you've got your SSL certificate and you have tengine or nginx setup, but you need it secure. After all, you've heard of all the recent DH attacks, BEAST, CRIME, FREAK, Heartbleed and others, right? Is your system already secure? Test it! Check out The SSL Labs Test Site. I'm getting an A+ rating! The following assumes tengine, but nginx is exactly the same, just s/tengine/nginx/g;   Need a certificate? OK - I highly recommend StartSSL. It's FREE! These guys will step you through the proc



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