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ecryptfs-migrate-home + pam on gnome



Dear Funtoo Community,

I'm new here i just installed my funtoo some days ago.

I have to start with: i love it, thank you for all you've done. But i have one big issue that stops it from beeing as great as my debian installation.

As i'm working on notebooks, i'd like to enrypt my home the way i did before.

But i don't know about PAM i'm not able to adjust the manual(s) i've found?

For example this:



i installed all mentioned packages, added pam to my global use flag, adjusted the pam.d config-files but still do not succeed.

after encrypting my home i can login, using bash, but gdm won't let me login to gnome. Screen goes black, then jumps back to login screen.

Any help regarding what step i'm missing is highly appreciated.


Thanks & Regards


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