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Subarch for Haswell-E



I have a desktop with an Intel 5820K in it. I am well versed with CPU architectures, so I know it is a Haswell-E, i7 processor. However, what subarch should I use for the installation? I would guess intel64-haswell, but the 5820K is a 5th generation i7 CPU and the Haswell subarch only mentions 4th generation. Will a native Haswell-E subarch be introduced soon?

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The Haswell-E Core i7 CPUs are '4th Generation Core Processors' - based off Intel's 'Haswell' microarchitecture. The processor numbering 5xxx of the Haswell-E processors is confusing.


If you are on the x86-64bit arch then the intel64-haswell subarch would be the best match for your i7-5820K. If instead your arch is pure64 then use the inte64-haswell-pure64 subarch.

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